The National Directorate – Sports Department – with the International Dance and Cultures Sector AICS organizes within its World Dance Competition People&Cultures festival the “International Training Course for Aerial Dance Instructors – Specialization in Fabric and Lyra – Level 1” in collaboration with Arte Movimiento of Argentina.
Our goal is to offer quality training with internationally recognized teachers in specialized subjects in this brand new and ever-growing sector.
We want to create “a bridge between peoples” that is increasingly solid through training, music, dance and art.
The course is reserved for AICS members of age, in possession of a valid medical certificate of sports fitness and a valid membership card on the date of the course. It is aimed at athletes who have basic knowledge of the equipment (minimum 1 year of practice in the chosen specialization). At the end, the students will take a final exam which, if successful, will allow them to obtain a Diploma of National AICS Aerial Dance Instructor Level 1 – Chosen Specialization, with which it will be possible to teach at Associations in the national territory and, in addition, Arte Movimiento will issue certificates “Título de Instructor en Acrobacias Aéreas”. The instructors will be automatically registered in the AICS National Register and will receive the AICS Instructor card.
The International Training Course for Aerial Dance Instructors begins with 2 Specializations in Fabric and Lyra, 1st Level. With the possibility of choosing one or all in two specializations.
Course modality?
Entirely online, 3 months of training with 2 monthly appointments (see program), plus final exam in person at the location of the WDC P&C event from 6 to 8 December 2024. The lessons will be recorded and saved on Drive with access reserved for members so that they can be used multiple times even by those who are not present at the single lesson.
What will I learn?
The course includes 6 modules with the specialized subjects of:
Fabric with Dana Augustin
Circle with Nicolàs Stocco
integrative subjects of Aviation Safety, Anatomy, Physical preparation, psychology, theater and Choreographic composition.
Who can access?
Access to the courses is based on the technical level and seniority of teaching. I LEVEL: all people who have basic knowledge of the equipment can enroll (minimum 1 year of practice in the chosen specialization)
How much does it cost?
Lyra Specialization: €500 + €50 registration + €100 exam with WS
Fabric Specialization: €500 + €50 registration + €100 exam with WS
Fabric+Lyra Specialization: €750 + €75 registration + €150 exam with WS
How can I register?
You can access the course through a PRE-REGISTRATION that must be done by filling out the Form below together with a deposit of €100 by 09/24/2024.
The balance must be paid by 10/4/2024 before the start of the lessons.
The deposit and the balance must be paid by bank transfer to:
NAME: Aics Direzione Nazionale
IBAN: IT 75 I 01030 03271 000061460833
REASON: Aerial Dance Training 1 Level Specialization _______
A copy of the bank transfer must be attached to the online registration.
The Course will be activated upon reaching a minimum of 10 registered students. Instead, the exam fee is paid at the end of the course in order to be able to participate in the last in-person appointment and take the final exam.